Sunday, January 10, 2010

weekend is saturday and sunday

we meet up at kbu to fix the life size model
some of it got a bit broken
after that we continue our work at kfc because
kbu close at 1pm
then we move to kfc to continue our work
keep facing computer
we face problem when linking the flash and dreamweaver file
so we ask the expert among our classmate
jack teach us how to use it(really thanks jack)
one step by one step
hope can remember
have to remember
must remember
a lot problem happen but don noe how to describe:(

this project we having fun moment & hard moment
it's fun when hang out together
it's fun when try something new in my life
it's is fun when learn something i don know
& the hard time
is when don noe how to decide
when need to do work although tired
when we don noe flash & need to learn very fast
& when mon is presentation day:)- haha

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