Wednesday, December 30, 2009

we are brave

-dec 28 2009-
we meet up & do the lifesize character together
we use cardboard
we worry we are too focus on the character
but we had been told- everything back to our idea
so we think we can continue with our work:)
we finish all the character on that day and tomolo we will bring the character to kl for taking photo

-dec 29 2009-
raining in the early morning
we are worry cant take photo but lucky the rain stop after a while
we bring the character to kl
we bring the character & walk around
we pose the character
xiang her was hiding behind the character to hold the character
& i take photo^^ & meng chun need to protect the car not to get saman
the most hard part is taking photo of sell man in petaling street
we walk & walk around in petaling street
quite tired bcoz we forget where is the fire hydrant...haha
finally we found it:)-
we ask permission to take photo in front the stall
actually we are quite scare coz they look fierce
but they are friendly
they still teach us how to put the bag nicely....haha
we don bother people look at us
we finish taking photo around one or two lik tat
we went back to college
we devide the work
we will meet up again on sat & do work together- gether:)

*tired but fun & unforgetable experience*

Thursday, December 24, 2009

two 00 nine & two 0 one 0

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to the people i know and the people who know me:)
say bye & thank you to 2009
say halo & welcome to 2010

peace, joy & cheer up^@^ yo

Sunday, December 20, 2009

u noe it

I m waiting my tears to dry in the raining day.

Friday, December 11, 2009


fri we meet up to finalise all thing
we finally finalise all thing
we divide the work
eza princess as copywritter, laura and master foo gui in charge for the web layout
xiang her and me will do the illustration part
we will illustrate the object and try with different technique
it's good friday although the day is super hot:)-

yes teacher,i will

thurs we having our tutorial with teacher lee
we show what we have
our idea, mood board and chraracter illustration
after see our illustration he encourage us to draw more
yes teacher, i will draw more:)
our mood board also need to improve coz cant really show out the mood
and give us opinion on our idea
we agree of it and having discussion again at library
we improve the idea and see him for 2nd tutorial
we have to work a bit more faster coz we are slow
after the tutorial all of us will go back and illustrate the fire hydrant and we will meet up 2ml at 9.30am to finalise all thing

& yes teacher, i will not simply give people money again:)

dont be lazy

wednesday we transfer the photo
and divide the character
each of us will ilustrate around 5 character and do some try out
feel a bit lazy
but cannot lazy cheng yee
2molo is tutorial day:)

it's ok

tuesday we having our discussion
the discussion we discuss our idea, mood, target audience and.....
after we set the idea
we divide our work
xiang her laura and me will go to kl taking photo of city people and try to illustrated
eza princess and master foo gui will work on the mood board
we decide go to kl after the discussion
master foo gui send us go:)

first,we go take picture at petaling street
we take photo of people that have different image
people selling things, smoker, traveller......

i cant see tis fire hydrant eventhough xiang her first say take that picture....haha
i oni realise after she point it.....wat my eye lookng at....haiz:)

den we move to times square and sg wang to take more picture

on the way to sg wang we had cheat by people
& i think i'm stupid
but it's ok:)
we enjoy our food after all of us feel hungry
and we had fun while taking photo for project & at the same time can shoping a bit
a bit only lol.....

Friday, December 4, 2009

camera target-------PIPE HOLE

its raining on thursday morning
luckily when we reach bukitbintang the rain already stop
but the day become hot hot hot...the sun keep poping out
our group leader mengchun become our driver.....hehe
we separate into 2group to search the pipe hole(izit call pipe hole?)
i take picture & some video of the pipe hole in different angle
what the view pipe hole can see and what surround the pipe hole
it have different pipe hole......some more fat and some are longergot 1 pipe hole hiding behind the plant.....mayb it is shy lol....many people look at us don know what we do with the pipe hole
but don care la coz mr.sean say we cannot be shy ma....ceh:)
after taking pipe hole picture,
we also taking photo at pavillion when on the way to lunch
the overall decoration for christmas is ok only(tats what i think)
but i like the ball on the christmas tree.....hehe
after lunch we go back for tutorial
& we think we will late for the tutorial
but mengchun drive quite fast so we late a bit lol~
we tutorial with mr.sean & quite useful coz know what have to do next
we discuss what we have to do after the tutorial and will having our meeting on next monday
it is fun doing project and at the same time can hang around outside.....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i like today

Today is a very very very happy day.
Smile falls on my face whole the day.
i like this feeling.
What i worry before already go away after the news.
"you can choose your own member"
i like this news.

we can choose our own group member. Yeah~~~so nice so good :)
i group with ezatul princess, laura, xiang her and mengchun
after the class we start discuss what signs we can see around kl
we list it down
we go take picture around mount kiara and hartamas there after discuss it &
we will continue taking picture around bukit bintang 2molo
what we decided to do is bomba pipe
2day i will do some basic research
it's fun we go take picture 2gether:)-
waiting the coming of 2molo

by the way, this is my first blog because my lovely lecturer & the brief ask