Friday, December 4, 2009

camera target-------PIPE HOLE

its raining on thursday morning
luckily when we reach bukitbintang the rain already stop
but the day become hot hot hot...the sun keep poping out
our group leader mengchun become our driver.....hehe
we separate into 2group to search the pipe hole(izit call pipe hole?)
i take picture & some video of the pipe hole in different angle
what the view pipe hole can see and what surround the pipe hole
it have different pipe hole......some more fat and some are longergot 1 pipe hole hiding behind the plant.....mayb it is shy lol....many people look at us don know what we do with the pipe hole
but don care la coz mr.sean say we cannot be shy ma....ceh:)
after taking pipe hole picture,
we also taking photo at pavillion when on the way to lunch
the overall decoration for christmas is ok only(tats what i think)
but i like the ball on the christmas tree.....hehe
after lunch we go back for tutorial
& we think we will late for the tutorial
but mengchun drive quite fast so we late a bit lol~
we tutorial with mr.sean & quite useful coz know what have to do next
we discuss what we have to do after the tutorial and will having our meeting on next monday
it is fun doing project and at the same time can hang around outside.....

1 comment:

  1. I like your first fire hydrant picture..... It is so cool and authentic and so cute as welll!!!
